Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Author: Julie M. Lane, Ed.D.
In 1964, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. As with most educational laws, the law has been amended several times. ESEA was amended in 2001 as No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and amended again in 2015 as the Every Child Succeeds Act (ESSA). Both NCLB and ESSA provide funding for US private schools.
Title 2, Part A Regulations: Providing Equitable Services to Eligible Private School Children, Teachers, and Families.
These benefits supply potential funding options for all US private schools in the areas of professional development and special needs program development.
R-ISE has been able to provide services in collaboration with US private schools utilizing these funds. Private schools have been able to use this funding to attend our institutes, seminars, and professional development and to receive a myriad of consulting services. Participants have shared with us steps to take in securing such funding. Steps will differ across the country and from school district to school district.
R-ISE provides these general guidelines to assist you in your efforts:
Contact the school district in which your school is located.
Ask to speak with the individual who oversees private school funding under ESSA and/or Title 2, Part A.
Complete the application process as required.
You can learn more about this program at the Office of Non-Public Education or by contacting R-ISE for assistance.