The following courses are open to educators and parents and are accredited by Fresno Pacific University.
Continuing education credits are available.

SED-901N: High Incidence Disabilities

In this course you will be provided with an overview of the most common disabilities found in private and public schools: learning disabilities, other health impairments - AD/HD, asthma, diabetes and Tourette's syndrome - along with autism and speech and language disorders. The course will also provide insights to executive functioning and the impact on social skill development. Practical and applicable strategies and interventions for the classroom are presented.

SED-902N: Special Education and Private Schools

This course provides insight as special education law and its impact on private and parochial schools from grades pre-school through 12th. Students will research their individual states and create materials that they can use to request an educational assessment from the public schools. Students will learn about the funding allocations allotted to private schools in their state. Students will learn what an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting is and what their role is in the process.

SED-904N: Special Education Law and Ethics

Candidates will demonstrate in-depth understanding of students' and parents' legal rights and responsibilities regarding special education. Federal laws regarding special education and state laws specific to each student will be discussed. The Council for Exceptional Children's Code of Ethics will be examined and discussed.

SED-906: Cultural Reciprocity in Special Education

Students will learn about building family-professional relationships. Students will discover how special education is a culture in and of itself while understanding how special education law is in cultural conflict with specific minority groups, e.g. Asian, Hispanic, Native American. Students will engage with minority groups within their communities to understand conflicts that resonate with them and how to effectively develop community in meeting the needs of children with disabilities. The Council of Exceptional Children (CEC) Ethical Standards will be embedded throughout the course material.

SED-907: Response to Intervention (RTI) Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)

This course introduces the practice of Response to Intervention (RTI), and how it identifies challenging behavior and students at risk for poor learning outcomes. Students will also learn about RTI's history and the law, as well as the three tiers of RTI, (whole class, small group interventions, and intensive interventions), and of course the process, strategies, and how to apply it. In addition, the course introduces Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), a comprehensive framework that supports all learners (struggling through advanced), through academics, social, emotional, and behavioral services. The three tiers of MTSS, (research based instruction, targeted intervention, and intensive intervention) are covered, including instruction on data-based decision making, positive behavior intervention and supports, and universal screening data to create individual student interventions.

SED-908: Inclusion to Belonging

This course provides students with the opportunity to reflect upon their own values of including children with disabilities in their schools and in their classrooms. The course provides discussion on the differences between inclusion and belonging. Students will discuss the challenges in providing inclusive education while developing a strategic plan to move their schools and classrooms to a culture of belonging. The course can easily be adapted to address cultural and ethnic topics around inclusion and belonging.

SED-909: Special Education Assessment Process

Students learn about the identification process under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act known as child find including the identification of children in private schools. Students learn how to read a psycho-educational report and how to write SMART individualized education plans, individualized service plans, individualized transition plans, and individualized family service plans.

SED-910: Understanding Individuals with Disabilities

This course explores what individuals with special needs in our communities can teach us. Course participants will learn the Categories of Disability along with a Biblical perspective on disability. This course will utilize the text, Adam, God's Beloved, by Henri J.M. Nouwen. It tells the story of Adam, who could not speak nor move without assistance. Nouwen befriended Adam and the spiritual lessons Adam taught him. The course will explore participants' own perceptions/beliefs about individuals with special needs and disabilities, as well as provide insight to individuals with special needs, the Categories of Disability, basic disability etiquette, and person first language. Participants will research and learn about different disabling conditions and community resources available to assist individuals with special needs.

SED-912: Bridging to the MMSN & ESN Credentials

This course is designed as a 'bridge' option for current Mild to Moderate Education Specialists or Moderate to Severe Education Specialists to demonstrate competence on Teacher Performance Expectations embedded in the new Education Specialist Credentials that were launched Summer/Fall 2022. The Office of Administrative Law (OAL) approved the package and several updates to the Education Specialist Credential went into effect on July 1, 2022.

SED-913: Executive Functioning & Behavior Support Plans

Students learn about the identification process under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act known as child find including the identification of children in private schools. Students learn how to read a psycho-educational report and how to write SMART individualized education plans, individualized service plans, individualized transition plans, and individualized family service plans.

SED-914: Exceptional Children Certificate

Exceptional children are those with disabilities who range in age from 0-21. They may have learning disabilities, communication disorders, emotional disorders, behavioral disorders, autism or other disabilities that require special methods, facilities, or equipment to meet their educational needs. An Exceptional Children Certificate from Fresno Pacific University will provide you with a range of basic to advanced knowledge and skills to help effectively meet those needs. Please note that this certificate is not equivalent to a credential.

SED-915: Exceptional Children Certificate

This course is designed as a 'bridge' option for current Early Childhood Special Educators to demonstrate competence on Teacher Performance Expectations embedded in the new Education Specialist Credentials that were launched Summer/Fall 2022. The Office of Administrative Law (OAL) approved the package and several updates to the Education Specialist Credential went into effect on July 1, 2022. The new bridge authorizations allow individual credential holders to earn the full breadth of the new authorizations while holding previously issued Education Specialist authorizations. The Bridge Authorization is an added authorization that is an option for special education credential holders whose credential was issued prior to the new standards and is intended to result in these credential holders having authorizations that are equivalent in scope to the new Early Childhood Special Education (authorization code ECES) authorization. This course is designed to meet Early Childhood Special Education Teacher Performance Expectations 2.5, 3.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 6.4, 6.6, and 6.8.