Spring/2022: Learning challenges and parent grief. Three Platform Virtual Presentations for the Association of Christian Schools International Early Childhood Conferences.
March 2021: Child find activities between public school personnel: Engagement, barriers, and experiences, Poster Presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children Conference, A virtual conference.
February 2020: A Sampling of International Schools’ Special Education Practices and Reflections, Poster Presentation at the Council for Exceptional Children Conference in Portland, OR.
October 2019: Factors that Support High School Graduation for Ute Mountain Ute Youth, Paper Presentation at the National Indian Education Association Conference in Minneapolis, MN.
October 2017: Changing the Culture: Special Education Programming. Professional Development at the Lutheran Education Association – Houston, Texas.
April 2017: Special Education Program Development: Creating a Culture of Belonging. Professional Development at the Lutheran Education Association – Houston, Texas.
September 2016: Decoding Special Education: What do all those letters and numbers mean? Platform Presentation at the Native American Conference on Special Education in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
April 2016: Public and Private Schools: Child Find Obligations. Invitational - Policy Presentation. Council for Exceptional Children Convention, St. Louis, MO.
April 2016: Special Education and Christian Schools: The Why & How. Platform Presentation. TASH Regional Conference in Nashville, TN.
March 2016: Special Education Professionals and Cultural Competency. Paper Presentation at the Native American Conference on Special Education in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
March 2016: Special Education Transition Perspectives in Minority Groups. Platform Presentation. American Council of Rural Special Education Conference in Las Vegas, NV.
March 2015: Special Education Transition Perspectives in Minority Groups and Special Education and the Grief Process. Platform Presentation at the Native American Conference on Special Education Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
February 2015: Inclusion in International Schools: A Study of Theoretical Principles, Ethical Practices, and Consequentialist Theories in School Administrators. Paper Presentation at Academy of Education Studies in San Diego, CA.
October 2014: Special Education, Public Law, and Christian Schools. Presentation at Joni and Friends Disability Summit at Fresno Pacific University.
July 2014: Inclusion in International Schools: A Study of Theoretical Principles, Ethical Practices, and Consequentialist Theories in School Administrators. Paper presentation at the CEC Division of International Special Education & Services Conference in Baraga, Portugal.
February 2012: Public Law, Christian Schools, & Special Education and Christian School Leadership: Vision & Purpose for Special Needs Programming. Platform presentation at the Association of Christian Schools International Administrator’s Conference in Fish Camp, CA.
March 2012: His Special Children: Special Education Law and Program Development. Platform presentation for the So. Illinois & St. Louis Districts – Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in St. Louis, MO.
March 2012: What do I do with the Psychologist’s Report? Executive Functioning and Behavior Plan. Platform presentations for the So. Illinois District – Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in Belleville, IL.
November 2011: Public Law, Christian Schools, & Special Education, Executive Functioning and Behavior Plans, and Response to Intervention & Student Study Teams. Platform presentations for the Association of Christian Schools International Convention in Anaheim, CA.
November 2011: Public Law, Christian Schools, & Special Education, Executive Functioning and Behavior Plans, and Response to Intervention & Student Study Teams. Platform presentations for the California Association of Private School Organizations in Long Beach, CA.
November 2011: Public Law, Christian Schools, & Special Education, ExecutiveFunctioning and Behavior Plans, and What do I do with the Psychologist’s Report? Platform presentations for the Association of Christian Schools International Early Childhood Conference in Rocklin, CA.
July 2011: Program Development: Strategic Planning, Vision, & Purpose, Public Law, Christian Schools, & Special Education, Executive Functioning and Behavior Plans, What do I do with the Psychologist’s Report?, Response to Intervention & Student Study Teams, and High Incidence Disabilities. Professional Development for a Summer Institute at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA.
May 2011: Special Education and the Grief Process and Reflection and Transformation. Platform presentations at the Joni and Friends West Coast Summit in Westlake Village, CA.
March 2011: Special Education and the Grief Process, Reflection and Transformation, Executive Functioning, What to do with the Psychologist’s Report?, and Behavior Plans, and IDEA Parts B & C. Platform presentations for the Association of Christian Schools International Early Childhood Conference in Lancaster, PA.
February 2011: Special Education and the Grief Process, Reflection and Transformation, Executive Functioning and Behavior Plans, and IDEA Parts B & C. Platform presentations for the Association of Christian Schools International Early Childhood Conference in Elk Grove, CA.
November 2010: Special Education Law and Child Find for Private Schools. Platform presentations for the Pacific Southwest District Lutheran Educator Conference in Palm Desert, CA.
November 2010: Public Law, Christian Schools, & Special Education, Executive Functioning and Behavior Plans, What do I do with the Psychologist’s Report?, and Response to Intervention & Student Study Teams. Platform presentations for the Association of Christian Schools International Convention in Anaheim, CA.
July 2010: Program Development: Strategic Planning, Vision, & Purpose, Public Law, Christian Schools, & Special Education, Executive Functioning and Behavior Plans, What do I do with the Psychologist’s Report?, Response to Intervention & Student Study Teams, and High Incidence Disabilities. Professional Development for a Summer Institute at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA.
November 2008: Attention Deficit Disorder & Asperger Syndrome: Classroom Strategies. Platform presentation for the California Association of Private School Organizations Conference in Long Beach, CA.
March 2006: Public Law, Christian Schools, & Special Education, Student Study Teams, and High Incidence Disabilities. Teacher In-Service for Concordia High School in Houston, TX.
November 2006: Building a Case for Assessment. Platform presentation for the Pacific Southwest District Lutheran Educator Conference in Palm Desert, CA.
April 2006: Public Law, Christian Schools, & Special Education, Program Development: Strategic Planning, Vision, & Purpose, Fund Raising & Grant Options, Student Study Teams, and High Incidence Disabilities. Administrators In-Service for the Georgia Florida District – Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod in Orlando, FL.
November 2005: Interpreting the Testing Results. Platform presentation for the California Association of Private School Organizations Conference in Long Beach, CA.
April 2005: Public Law, Christian Schools, & Special Education. Platform presentation for the National Lutheran Educators Conference in Indianapolis, IN.
April 2004: Public Law, Christian Schools, & Special Education, Program Development: Strategic Planning, Vision, & Purpose, Student Study Teams, and High Incidence Disabilities. Teacher In-Service for the Las Vegas Regional of the Pacific Southwest District Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod in Las Vegas, NV.
November 2004: Special Education Services for the Private/Parochial School Student. Platform presentation for the California Association of Private School Organizations Conference Long Beach, CA.
November 2001: Platform presentation for the Pacific Southwest District – Lutheran Educator Conference in Palm Desert, CA.
February 2001: Platform presentation for the Learning Disabilities California State Conference in Concord, CA.
November 2000: Platform presentation for the Pacific Southwest District – Lutheran Educator Conference in Palm Desert, CA.
October 2000: Platform presentation for the Learning Disabilities California State Conference in Long Beach, CA.
March 1998: Orange County Regional Teacher In-Service for the Pacific Southwest District – Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Orange, CA.
November 1997: Platform presentation for the Pacific Southwest District – Lutheran Educator Conference in Palm Desert, CA.
March 1994: Session Chair International Orton Dyslexic Society Conference in Los Angeles, CA.