Teacher Preparation in a Christian University
Author: Dr. Bush White
It was great seeing everyone at CEC in April. I want to take time to encourage all of you to become involved in FBSO; I believe this to be a valuable aspect of CEC.
As a Christian, I see students with disabilities as another opportunity to see how God reveals sovereignty in his creation. God says we’re powerfully and wonderfully made; God does not make mistakes regardless of the disability of a student.
As a teacher educator it is my responsibility to help our candidates see their all of their students as an opportunity to make a difference. The Biblical worldview provides us a way to make a difference in the lives of students and their families. Children with disabilities are not a mistake, but like all children, they are a gift.
We need to educate the new teacher pool that there is a spiritual approach to working with students with disability. Though many may see them as flawed, God does not. This is our mission field. A verse to describe this mission is: This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes (Psalms 118: 23).
At CCU we emphasize the importance of see every child as God created them.
Dr. Bush White is the Director of Graduate Education Programs at Colorado Christian University. He can be contacted at bbwhite@ccu.edu.