Learning God’s Lessons in Leadership Through Reflective Journaling
Author: Dr. Stephen Byrd
“Then Samuel told the people the rights and duties of the kingship, and wrote them in a book and laid it before the Lord…” I Samuel 10:25
In our Christian walk we are encouraged to take time to journal. Here we write down verses of Scripture that help us in our walk with God. We also write prayer requests, notes about Bible studies or sermons that we have heard. Some of us may actually do some reflection on those things just mentioned but also the spiritual challenges or trials we are facing. We may write out prayers or even write goals for the future. This approach is very important for our Christian walk. In fact Donald Whitney in his classic book, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, gives a whole chapter to this topic.
However, I would like to suggest the great value of using reflective journaling as leaders. Our purpose is to write, remember, think on what God is saying and doing in the work that he has given to us.
I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate and your might deeds. Your way, O God, is holy… Psalm 77:11-15 ESV
For me, I try to write several times throughout the week on issues in leadership that I am facing or opportunities that are ahead. Doing this helps me to see the decisions ahead through a Christian lens. It also promotes a greater understanding of myself.
I feel busy with family, and church, and work. However, when I find time to think, consider, and even write about His hand in my life; the value is great. It is here that I worship and know His will.
Dr. Stephen Byrd teaches at Elon University. He serves as the director of graduate studies and program coordinator for special education in the School of Education. He also serves as a lay pastor at Grace Reformed Baptist Church.