December 2017 CEC-FBSO Newsletter

Author: Dr. Marla J. Lohmann, CEC-FBSO Caucus Chair

Happy December, CEC-FBSO members. I hope that your semester is ending well and that you have plans for rest over the upcoming break. Remember that it is critical for teachers to take time for themselves during school holidays; rested and rejuvenated teachers are better able to support their students.

I enjoyed catching up with a few of you at the CEC-TED conference last month; we had some great conversations about supporting faith-based professionals in higher education.

The annual CEC Convention, as well as the CEC-FBSO meeting, will be happening in February. As discussed at our meeting last spring, we will have a handful of presentations this year. If you are interested in providing a 5-8 minute presentation, please sign up on the Google Doc. In addition, please let me know if you are able to work for a few hours in the CEC-FBSO booth in the exhibit hall.

Enjoy the rest of 2017!


How Will They Know?


Resources for Learning More About “Brain Breaks”